Friday, December 12, 2014

Hollywood Car Accident Attorney - Rollover Automobile Wreck

Hollywood Car Accident Attorney - Rollover Automobile WreckRollover Automobile Accident - Hollywood Car Accident Attorney.  Rollover Accidents Have Special Considerations That May Affect Your RightsRollover accidents are one of the most significant road safety problems in our nation because of their high probability of causing serious injury. Rollover accidents are a special concern for those who drive light trucks, such as pickups, SUVs, and vans, which account for the majority of rollover accidents because of their tendency to have high centers of gravity. Rollover accidents account for roughly half of all vehicle fatalities that involve only one car, and almost all rollover accidents result in a physical injury to a vehicle’s occupants. This is because of the increased likelihood that the vehicle’s occupants in a rollover will be thrown from their seats, and because a rollover can cause portions of a vehicle’s frame or roof to crush, thereby causing brain and spine injuries.Rollover accidents are very serious: rollovers are second only to frontal crashes in their level of severity. And while most rollovers come about as a result from the vehicle leaving the roadway and “tripping”—such as over a curb or a low traffic barrier—any vehicle will rollover if it impacts a suitable tripping mechanism with sufficient lateral speed, such as in a skid or from a side-impact.However it is also possible for vehicles to rollover when they are not tripped, but due instead to maneuvering—such as when a driver swerves to avoid hitting an object on the road, or loses control from a slippery or icy road surface. While this accounts for only a small portion of rollover accidents, such rollover accidents may indicate a serious safety problem. Many safety experts believe that on-road rollovers not caused by tripping may primarily be caused by specific vehicle-related factors and may indicate a car design defect. At the same time, any rollover accident can be the result of one or a combination of factors—for example, a collision, dangerous road conditions, poor road design, a vehicle design defect, or tire defect.Because of the special safety concerns and questions involved, if you have been involved in a rollover accident, or someone you love has been killed or injured in a rollover accident, it is critical that you be able to fully assess the causes. If your rollover accident has occurred in the South Florida area, the Flaxman Law Group can help you. Particularly if the accident involves a product defect or an unsafe road, your consultation may result in helping other drivers and saving other lives, by making sure that additional safety measures are taken to prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future. The Flaxman Law Group has qualified and experienced South Florida rollover accident attorneys who can provide you with the resources you need to determine the causes of the accident, so that you can have the answers and the peace of mind you deserve.The Flaxman Law Group is willing to offer you an immediate consultation at no charge. There is no obligation to this free consultation, and we may be able to give you the answers you need to understand your rights and to help you evaluate your options. In the South Florida area, call the Flaxman Law Group at 1 866 Flaxman. (1 866 352 9626).

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